
Showing posts from November, 2020

October Blog

Service Hours:0  For the month of October, I was still trying to decide what project I wanted to take on for service . I attempted to write a letter to a senior citizen, however, it was sent back. Also, I felt as though it wasn't enough to really be considered a service project. So, I reached out the campus ministry at Xavier asking for a project they needed assistance with. Initially, I wanted to volunteer at the soup kitchen, but they asked me to do more and I ended up helping lead the XU table of Thanks. 

XU Table of Thanks: Part 2

service hours: 12 Crunch Time... This is just an update on the XU Table of Thanks project Denise and I have been working on.  Since my last post, we have obtained the boxes to use for donation, decorated them with wrapping paper, and placed them in all the dormitories at Xavier, including the Hilton hotel where some students are residing due to COVID. We have also created the virtual brochure for campus ministry with the attached google survey for the students to participate in the raffle. Unfortunately, we ran into a bit of snag with regards to the raffle, because finals prayer service which took place on Sunday also does a raffle for the students, so the amount and cost of the gift cards has decreased to 2 $15 prizes and one $30 prize. I actually collected the money today from Campus Ministry for the gift cards to send out virtually once the raffle ends on December 2nd. Other Organizations at Xavier have reached out to partner with us and Campus ministry to help with the item dri...

A Table of Thanks

Service hours: 6 What are you thankful for... Thanks for visiting my blog! This month I will be discussing the stages of my service project "A Table of Thanks" which will be taking place at Xavier University of LA (XULA). Table of Thanks is a world wide fundraiser started by the Catholic Relief Services (CRS). My colleague, Denise and I are in the process of turning this fundraiser into an means for the students XULA to donate to those less fortunate, give thanks, learn more about campus ministry, and also become more community oriented in a time where isolation has become the norm.  So far Denise and I have come up with ideas for campus wide engagement and a timeline to receive either monetary donations to the CRS or clothing/food items in order to give them to second harvest which is a food bank in the surrounding community.  Not only will this be a fundraiser for the CRS and second Harvest, but the students  will receive prizes when donating by entering into ...