A Table of Thanks

Service hours: 6

What are you thankful for...

Thanks for visiting my blog! This month I will be discussing the stages of my service project "A Table of Thanks" which will be taking place at Xavier University of LA (XULA).

Table of Thanks is a world wide fundraiser started by the Catholic Relief Services (CRS). My colleague, Denise and I are in the process of turning this fundraiser into an means for the students XULA to donate to those less fortunate, give thanks, learn more about campus ministry, and also become more community oriented in a time where isolation has become the norm. 

So far Denise and I have come up with ideas for campus wide engagement and a timeline to receive either monetary donations to the CRS or clothing/food items in order to give them to second harvest which is a food bank in the surrounding community. 

Not only will this be a fundraiser for the CRS and second Harvest, but the students  will receive prizes when donating by entering into a raffle! 

The theme for our table of thanks is, "A cycle of thanks: give to receive."  

In order to be submitted into the raffle, students must first, donate (give). Then write out what they're thankful for or encouraging words on a post- it that they will stick to donation center (one of the dorm lobbies or  the cafeteria).  The student will then have the option to take the encouraging words after they have written an encouraging word and posted it on the wall (receive). 

After finishing this task, students can then scan a QR code  that contains  the information to donate money ( if they don't have items to give), along with  social media links for student to upload a picture of the item(s) they donated or the encouraging word they have written/received,  while tagging the CRS social media page. 

It's a lot.. I know.. 

BUT, this will definitely promote student engagement when they hear about what they can win with the raffle: $20+ gift card to postmates, uber eats, bath and body works, and more.. 

The idea is to get as many donations as possible before the end of the semester, which is in 2 weeks. Our main goal is to remind students that college is more than just about zoom lectures and tests, but more so about community and building long lasting connections.

So as we get closer to the end of November, I urge us all to question what we're thankful for and how we plan to " pay it forward". There are so many things to be thankful for, narrowing in on that can help distract us from the challenges we face day to day. COVID has caused us to become so isolated, which will be harder as the holiday season rolls around, but community engagement even virtually, can helps stay out the winter blues. 

Next steps include:

Creating the QR codes, planting the boxes in all the dorm rooms and cafeteria , and alerting other organizations on campus to get their members to participate before the end of this week! Wish us luck!


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